Soaring Beyond
In the course of your life, you may have been asking certain questions, like millions of other people, about some of your basic essential needs, such as:
How can I find the strength to cope with the stress or hardships of my life?
How can I be more self-confident? How can I have access to the love and the joy, the clarity and the peace I so desperately need? How can I pray?
How can I soar beyond my fears and insecurities?
How do I get to know God?
Behind the word God is an ocean of mystery.
Fortunately, we human beings were created with extraordinary potential. We have much to discover. We do have help available for this, and we do not have to feel so helpless.
Throughout the centuries, we have been blessed with the examples and teachings of great, masterful souls, saintly men and women, giants of the spirit, humble and powerful servants of God. Each has their own very unique approach, their own purpose, and destiny, yet all of them share the same passionate commitment and enthusiasm for the same cause.
It is for the cause of love. They are focused and dedicated in service with love for life, love for people, love for our creative potential, love of the mystery and majesty of creation, love of kindness, value, and wisdom.
Love of the sacred beauty of a human soul, and above all, love of the awesome One who created all this, the One who is ever-present with us, giving us life, giving us ever-renewed beginnings in this world and in the worlds above and beyond.
Through the example of these great souls, we can realize our own unique privilege, our immense potential, our faculty to connect with the creative Presence of infinite power, infinite awareness and kindness that brought forth the entire universe.
We can know and experience how we are ever-supported by this Presence. We are sustained with an ever-renewed life force, a never-transforming, evolving, and expanding, dynamic life force through time and eternity.
We are all part of that awesome power of life.
When we consciously open to it and connect with it, we are allowing magnificent possibilities to enter our lives with an ever-increasing abundance of good, with a love and strength and clear direction that remains deep within us.
How do we connect with this awareness, this higher power? What is the secret of those privileged ones whose inner vision and prayers are enormously powerful? You may have heard how this power manifests itself in so many ways for us, such as life-saving, intuitive guidance and inspiration, or inexplicable events in perfect timing and place that allow glorious outcomes and success where all seemed hopeless, or how this Power can manifest in spontaneous remissions from terminal diseases, or can resolve an infinite variety of difficulties in relationships and situations.
So, what is the secret of these great, masterful souls? When we observe them and learn from them, we can see what the simplest, most effective and most direct way to connect is. It is by being willing to trust and love the silent, awesome, powerful Being that created and sustains the universe forever.
They encourage us to do this. They tell us that our loving trust allows us to remember what our soul knows deep within. It opens the gates of deeper understanding and all possibilities. Sages, mystics, Rebbes, Kabbalists, and saintly people have exalted us to realize that our soul knows this great Presence, this higher Power, this creative Being who is lovingly aware of us. They have told us that our awesome Creator is transcending all, yet our Creator is eternal loving kindness, and is closer to us than our own hands and feet.
Unfortunately, in this world, most of the time, we are unconscious of all this. Most of the time we are even resisting the opportunities to find out more about those secrets that can transform our lives. Maybe we are afraid of a great unknown. Maybe we are afraid of perhaps having to change.
How do we learn to merge our awareness with the infinite Presence? How do we learn to trust and to love and to hear some of those ineffable secrets?
We do not need to feel so helpless. Even though this Supreme Being is beyond our comprehension, we can open our heart and simply invite deeper truths to emerge in our awareness without stress and strain.
Perseverance and sincerity are the key to our success.
As you allow the gentle, soulful melodies, the vibrant sounds of the harp and flute, and the words of his meditation to penetrate and resonate into your deeper awareness, your heart will be comforted with a sense of warmth, safety, and profound inner quiet.
New insights will illuminate your thoughts with strength and joy.
For best results, listen to these words often, especially at night, before going to sleep, or when waking up in the morning.
Also, listen to your own insights, to your own words of prayer, and write them down. You can affirm the higher realities that your soul knows. You can soar beyond your limited concepts and beliefs. You can behold
true reality.
When we focus in deep sincerity on a supreme Source of life and light, we begin to remember what our soul knows. All of us can reach out toward higher dimensions. We can perceive much more. We can receive help from higher sources. We can communicate in this divine companionship that comforts, guides, and heals.
We can open our mind, and have a heart-to-heart talk with this awesome, loving Presence. We can allow our innermost self to speak. As we do this, new revelations begin to emerge in our awareness, in joy, in delight and wonder.
We can say, Master of Creation, thank you for creating me with my soul faculties to think and to feel, to learn, to perceive and conceive, with my abilities to love, to cherish and to understand. Thank you for giving me the freedom to choose my unique way to discern between what is truly beneficial or not. For the freedom to invite and call forth joy and enthusiasm, to embrace beauty and blessings, to allow harmony and healing, to seek peace and grace.
With You, I can choose many ways of growing and expanding, many ways of giving and receiving, of mastering the art of living in this world.
I can dare to create. I can overcome, and develop a taste for blissful happiness.
Beloved Master of the Universe. teach me to remember that I am never alone. For you are here supporting my life at every moment. I can trust in your help, in your protection, in your guidance. You are dissolving my fears. You are giving me life forever and a myriad opportunities to grow in strength, in joy, in love, and understanding.
When I focus my mind on Your true reality, Your light and truth are shining on me.
You are the one who is revealing to me some of the many secrets of prayer. You are the one who is inspiring the very words of my prayer and my trust in You deepens.
In loving trust I call for Your highest blessings on our loved ones, blessings on all those who touch our lives, blessings on our whole world, realizing You are here to answer us, realizing Your overflowing desire to bless us, learning to open my mind to these blessings, realizing You know our needs even before we ask, realizing You wait until we turn toward You and specifically ask for what we need. You are delighted when we ask for help. Our love and trust allows You to intervene for us in our world, in our lives, in our awareness. You are immensely respectful of our own initiative, our own free will. You are waiting for us to say yes, yes to
Your masterful divine plan, touching eternity. You created us so that we may enjoy the privilege to co-create with You, to bring light and love where it is needed, to become masterful, compassionate and wise. We can sense all our sincere prayers are answered in mysterious ways, in unexpected, secret ways, in healing ways, reaching far ahead in our future.
Yes, every sincere prayer is heard and honored, even though it is not always answered in the way we anticipated. For You are all kindness and wisdom, and You see ahead, You know what is best for us now. You are planning everlasting riches and fulfillment for us when we are ready, when the time is right.
Master of Creation, I am merging my will with Your divine will, Your glorious, ever-beneficent will, trusting that Your plan is designed for my highest joy, for my fulfillment and expansion, for my growth and self initiative, for developing higher wisdom. I love You with all my heart and soul, with my utmost intensity. I stand in awe at Your awesome mastery being reflected in creation, in the eyes of a child, in the grace of birds in flight, in sunsets and ocean waves. I love Your creative genius manifesting in the beauty and fragrance of a blossom, in the taste of a fruit, in the majesty of nature. I ponder and wonder at the trillions of cellular structures tingling in our own physical body. I gaze at Your stupendous creative power revealed in the countless galaxies we are just discovering in our heavens through our space explorations. I rejoice with Your dynamic life force supporting all existence. I love Your essential goodness and kindness, which faithfully supports and strengthens our lives forever. Throughout time, You are standing by each soul. You are waiting for us to be really willing so that You can teach, inspire and uplift us. You are guiding us, refining, strengthening and purifying us through our many life experiences and relationships, through our joys and hurts, through our mistakes and challenges, through our love and care, You created us to grow and expand so that we may awaken to Your infinite Presence in this world and learn to live in utmost joy.
When we are in loving trust with You, we are comforted, revived, reassured, nourished, guided. With you comes the abundant life, blessed with truth, harmony, love, wisdom, creativity, strength and more.
In loving, trust, I am ready to sing and dance ecstatically in the awareness of Your Presence, to soar on the wings of the spirit, to be infused with blissful, true reality. I entrust my whole being into Your hands, trusting, trusting like a child curling up in mother's loving arms. My mind and heart are opening to Your heavenly wisdom, trusting and rejoicing in the perfect, mysterious, intricate pathways and designs of our destinies and purpose.
I am lifting my entire being towards Your eternal Presence, drawing close, focusing deeper and deeper again, blessing the entrenching beauty of Your Infinite Light, capturing glimpses of Your eternal, blissful life, feeling purified, renewed, regenerated.
Loving trust opens the gates of knowledge, knowing divine companionship is ever present with me, with all of us. Knowing my true identity as a magnificent, fiery soul originated from Your heart of Infinite Light, infinite love, infinite creative power.
Knowing we are all created to manifest this light into our lives, this bounty of goodness and kindness and precious, joyful, creative life energy. Knowing we can awaken our dormant faculties, we can choose to revive, to forgive, to let go of our insecurities, our jealousies, and our fears.
We can let go of our resentments and hatreds. We can release them and make ourselves free and clear. We can choose to transmute our challenges and hardships into the blessings of growth. We can choose to tune in with Your grace, Your eternal benevolence and kindness. We can choose to manifest inner strength, courage, self, initiative, determination and wisdom. We can choose to trust in You, to pour out our hearts to You to share all our problems with You, knowing we can heal, we are meant to heal. I realize our healing is already there, waiting to be received in our heart and mind.
Who can tell the ways of prayer? What is this mystery that can manifest blessed outcomes in such a spontaneous, natural, flowing way?
As we tune in with your eternal Presence, we can sense we are Your children. Your cherished ones. We remember our longing for a higher reality. We remember our yearning for true joy, for mercy, for all good.
We receive glimpses of who we are in truth. We realize we are unique creations from Infinite, loving realms. We are getting in touch with our yearning to know who we are in truth, to know our real inner self, our sacred inner self, to connect with the source of all life, all good,
Beloved Master of Creation, I seek to consciously make room in my thoughts and feelings for Your eternal, magnanimous presence. I am surrendering all my reservations, all my resistances and fears to You. I let them go. These are my secret offerings of love to You. I am watching them being transmuted into light, quietly, peacefully. I let You take charge.
I enjoy watching my inner process of growth unfolding through a wonderful companionship, and I stand there deeply moved, humbled and grateful in prayer, I am communing with the heart and soul longings of others, blessing them with all good from heaven, feeling enfolded in grace, in serenity, realizing that this good is a gift inherent to us, in prayer, I am sharing this good with those I want to help and comfort, trusting that it is always there, waiting to be manifested for their well being, with loving trust. I can sense what is usually invisible. I can sense Your great unknown. I stand in awe at Your eternal, supreme compassionate Presence, surrounding us, infusing us, gracing us, blessing us, giving us life and ever-renewed opportunities for experience, for choice, for love, for joy.
I am beholding your great power flowing its healing in flux through us, watching it vibrate its secret patterns of perfection through every muscle and bone, gland and artery, nerve and cell and molecular structure of our physical frame, sensing Your power breathing through us, beating our heart, playing Its gentle pulsations of life through us. I sense and hear Your harmonious melodies echoing over the harp of our soul.
What is prayer? Prayer is rejoicing with a sacredness, the inner bliss of life, this awesome gift, ever-renewed for us forever. Prayer is being overwhelmed, sensing Your divine, eternal love, strengthening us, nourishing us with energy, endowing us with the freedom to choose, to create and to love. Prayer is being humbly grateful for all for our awareness destined to expand into glorious realms of joy.
Prayer is learning to listen to Your voice, trusting it again and again, following its gentle promptings, these consistent, supportive promptings, peaceful, loving, clear promptings. Prayer is acting on them with love, trusting that whatever will follow will be only for a blessing. Prayer is feeling graced with a sense of divine joy while taking care of others in need, welcoming them, blessing them, being playful, joking and laughing with them, listening to them with a full heart. Prayer is caring, supporting, showing real concern, empathy, compassion and respect.
Prayer is loving them.
In prayer, I am asking for clarity and focus and listening to inner guidance With You, I am learning to follow it and courageously act on it.
In prayer, I am asking for the strength to stand on the front lines, to be Your faithful servant, and a friend to all. Calling for Your help while engaged in teaching, guiding, assisting, counseling, loving, blessing. I trust in You. I am forever grateful to You. With You, I am learning to simply be love in action, love in my heart, my mind, and in the activities of my many days with You, I am tasting the joy, the ecstasy, the bliss celebration from the invisible, majestic, angelic realms on high. Yes, You created awesome, pure Beings of Light, and these myriads of glorious messengers are here to envelop us with their compassion, their lasting friendship, their devotion, care, and their sacred, divine love. They are here always, waiting for us to ask for help. They are joining with us in our yearnings, in our prayers, lifting them on high together. We are praying for our loved ones, for our whole world, entrusting it in Your hands. In Your eternal, supreme Presence, we are creating a bond of oneness with them, a life-giving, healing, sacred bond of oneness connected with Your all-powerful, compassionate Being.
You are preparing us for greatness. You are molding, teaching and refining us. You are co-creating with us through time, in this world and beyond, so that we may become a channel of Divine Light, of majestic greatness, of loving-kindess in action, blissful purpose in gratefulness and awe.