For many of us human beings, giving and receiving blissful love is not at all easy. From infancy, many of us get deeply traumatized in some ways with our experiences and incidents of hurt and rejection, lack of personal attention and respect, and sometimes much worse. This happens because we live in this world of ignorance and pain. How can we learn to trust enough and open our hearts?
One way to learn is through simply remembering that there is a loving Presence that created us, that created our beautiful planet and solar system. This Presence gives life and sustains us at every moment, so that we may express ourselves in our thoughts, feeling and actions. You can choose to communicate and pour out your heart to this compassionate Being, as to a best friend or mentor.
There is also another formula that can lift you into an altered state of awareness:
You can write letters to God! In direct simple words. You can share all of your cares, yearnings, dreams, and all the personal inner secrets that you may have forgotten about. Eventually, when the connection is well under way, you can listen to the answers that will flow spontaneously into your awareness.
Conversing with God will open your awareness by leaps and bounds. The answers may surprise you. They come with a sense of peace and inner confidence, a sense of being treasured, listened to and honored. And much more~
You may want to convey these answers into words and choose to communicate them to others. Or you may write them down on paper. In this way, you know these healing messages are on record, like valuable jewels that cannot be misplaced or forgotten. You will find them again and receive their benefit any time you read them. This method is powerful. It reveals some of your infinite resources.
I heard many personal testimonies of people who have benefitted immensely through this reassuring, compassionate, clear and empowering inner counseling. It answers one’s questions and gives innovative suggestions with practical steps for every situation at hand. These messages come with a Love that warms and heals the heart. In awed gratitude tears are often flowing forth, cleansing and restoring one’s whole being.
More than we know, average people are blessed to experience the Presence of God in similar ways. And the great saintly people and masters of loving kindness have exemplified this most poignantly through time.
Blissful Love is our essential nature. We yearn for it. Our love for God and for others brings us health, well being, growth. It expands our understanding. It dissolves jealousy, fears, resentments and hatred. Blissful Love enlightens our vision and creative intuition. It brings healing comfort with heart wisdom. Choosing to love fosters harmonious relationships and lasting friendships with fulfillment, peace, loving care and all good.
We are created with the faculty to connect with intuitive wisdom and love.
We can invite this blissful force to consciously reside in our own heart.
Consistently choosing to place all your attention on loving thoughts can change your life in amazing ways. Give it a try for a week. You will see astonishing results!