Accessing Blissful Love
Perhaps there are many questions that may have come to your mind when you are going through a crisis, or standing at a crossroad, or simply being in your average day to day humdrum state of awareness, such as:
“Why am I here? Why all the confusion? Why the suffering?”
Sages and saintly mentors have always reminded us that the deepest, most refined, most sacred inner part of us, the part we call our soul, has its unique divine origin. It was created from the Infinite One, the Source of all Life, Light, Loving- kindness and Mystery called the Creator. They taught us that our soul is that essential part of ourselves which ever seeks the Presence of the Divine. It experiences blissful, everlasting Love. It can connect us with glorious beauty, truth, oneness, rapture, exultation and creative power. It seeks to infuse us with ever deepening wisdom.
Our soul is our true identity. It is the channel that encourages us to awaken and remember who we are truly connected with. Our soul patiently waits for us and calls us always from behind the scenes.
There may have been moments in your life when you were able to attune your mind and heart with your soul. In those blessed flashes of perception, you could begin to behold the great ocean of unknown power, of Love and infinite potentiality manifesting as Life and Beauty.